Some specific programs are recommended, all of which are free.
This is a sound editing software that can be used to create audio files; for example, podcasts.
Google Maps
Google Maps allows you to create personalized maps that contain placemarks. I created a simple map that shows a few of the landmarks of my childhood here.
Students can create their own descriptive maps. Also, it is possible for many people to collaborate on a single map.
Microsoft's Photo Story
This application allows you to create slideshows. There are many effects, such as adding text to photos, adding audio, transitions, background music, and special effects.
I have never tried this software, but it looks good, and it is free.
Create books and photo-albums that can be hosted online or that can be ordered in print form.
A few years ago, we made a yearbook for our school. Mixbook might be a good option for creating a classroom yearbook.
The author suggests that a digital camera should be mandatory in every classroom, and I agree.
Voicethread allows users to upload photos, documents and video, and then to comment or doodle on these things. It also allows for collaboration.
Windows Movie Maker
Windows Movie Maker is described. This program is bundled in Windows XP. It is a good program for making movies. I use Pinnacle Studios.
Students love to make movies.
Wordle is a website that turns text into art. The frequency of a word determines its size.
Here is a wordle for this blog:
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